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Internal information system

As a result of the business will to promote a culture of regulatory compliance in the organization and in accordance with current legislation, a Policy for the management of the entity's Internal Information System has been approved, which can be consulted at the following link , applicable to all its members and any third parties linked to it by a professional relationship.

Internal Information Systems play a key role in promoting good corporate governance, helping to create a trustworthy work and professional climate, serving for general prevention and detection of conduct contrary to the laws and internal regulations of the organization.

This Policy includes the guiding principles that will be applied in the management of information through the entity's Internal Information System, the procedure that will govern its execution and the protection of users who access it. The reception of the communication and access to its content by all those authorized to do so, as well as its subsequent processing, will be carried out in a discreet and absolutely confidential manner, preserving the identity of all persons affected by the information and guaranteeing compliance with the current regulations on the protection of personal data.